CollectCo Comes Loaded with Benefits and Features

Dive into the CollectCo experience and see how we transform your recovery efforts.

Powerful Tools for Faster Collections

Empower your debt recovery with benefits of our innovative built-in features

Easy-to-use Dashboard

A comprehensive overview of your debt-collection process in one place.

Key Points

  • Get live updates of recovered revenue.
  • Gain access to consumer behavior.
  • View inventory to assess claim statuses at each step.
  • See your Return on Investment in real time.
  • Plan recovery strategies with relevant information on all claims.

Track & Control

Effortlessly set and manage every action on claims for a seamless recovery experience.

Key Points

  • Send reminders to your consumers for payment on their outstanding debts.
  • Ditch manual labor and schedule all actions at once to save time.
  • Get real-time feedback on all actions being performed on every account.
  • Be in control of every move made towards your recovery process.

Process Claims Collectively-Save Time

Process all your claims in one go rather than adding individually to speed up your recovery process.

Key Points

  • Save time and resources in compiling similar claims in one place.
  • Upload batch of claims in one go to process them together.
  • Forego repetition and save your resources for your core competencies.
  • Reduce manual processing errors.

Integrations & Customizations

Use our integrations options to upload your claims through financial management tools.

Key Points

  • Smoother processing of your claims without repeating data-entry procedures.
  • Experience enhanced data accuracy by eliminating manual data manipulation.
  • Easily scalable option for large volumes of data for all sizes of businesses.
  • Ability to connect with various external systems providing a holistic view for better analysis.

Easy Debt Resolution for Consumers

The easy-to-use consumer portal consolidates all debt recovery processes for the consumer to pay their debt effectively.

Key Points

  • Self-service options for consumers to access their information and set up payment plans directly.
  • Automation of routine tasks that would otherwise take time.
  • Improved customer experience that encourages faster repayment of debt.
  • Easy debt resolution options for a smoother resolution process. Enhanced data security for consumers of their financial information.

Refund Guarantee for Fixed-Fee Collections

Refund Guarantee for Fixed-Fee Services

Where the Client utilizes the Fixed Fee Collection services in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, the Agency provides the Client with a refund guarantee (“Guarantee“). Under the terms of this Guarantee, the Client will receive a refund of the total purchase price paid for the Fixed Fee Collection services (as specified in the Client Intake), less any amounts remitted from recovered funds, if applicable. The Guarantee is subject to the following terms:

1. Client Warranties, Representations and Placement of Accounts:

1.1. Client warrants and represents the accuracy of the accounts placed for Fixed Fee Collection. This includes, but is not limited to, Account holder’s full name, last known address, last known telephone number, account number, exact last payment date, exact date of delinquency, the exact principal balance, and the applicable interest rate(s), if any, 

1.2. The maximum extent of delinquency on any Account, in no event, shall exceed six (6) months for Accounts being placed in Fixed Fee Collection

1.3. Client warrants that the Accounts submitted are not currently subject to legal, regulatory proceedings, or audits, in any legal proceeding or government investigation at the state, federal, or local level, related to matters such as bankruptcy, insolvency, trusteeship, or receivership. Furthermore, the Client warrants that the placement of any Accounts will not be in breach of any applicable federal, state, or local laws and regulations or any contractual obligations it may have with any third-party, and

1.4. All Accounts placed with the Agency must be in United States Dollars (US$), and Client shall be solely responsible for any fluctuations in forex rates and informing the Agency of such variations. Client shall indemnify and hold harmless the Agency on any claim or dispute by an Accountholder, resulting from variation in amounts due to a fluctuation in forex rates. 

2. Minimum Balance:

Any Account placed with the Agency shall not have a principal balance of less than US$100

3. Exclusions of Guarantee:

The Guarantee provided for herein shall not be applicable if: 

3.1. The Guarantee shall not apply where 5% or more of the Accounts, placed with the Agency for Fixed-Fee Services, result in disputes from Accountholders, email bounce backs, and other issues on deliverability, or any information provided is found to be inaccurate, or 

3.2. If the services provided under these Terms and Conditions are terminated by either Party

4. Account Closure on Letter Undeliverability and Returns:

4.1. Where a collection letter sent to an Accountholder returns or is undeliverable for any reason, the Agency may close the Account at its sole discretion. 

4.2. Where an Account is closed under Clause 4.1, the Agency shall only make further efforts if the Client re-engages the Agency’s Fixed Fee Services on those Account(s) at the then-applicable rates. 

5. Refund:

If we (the Agency) can’t collect enough money on your accounts to meet our guarantee, we’ll refund you (the Client) the difference between what you paid us and what we were able to collect. 

Standard Rates

Discounted Rates